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See the description? I was good and did what Bens HELP topic said.

31.08.03 02:49
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good on ya!

31.08.03 08:38
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i have no problem with n00bs, what i do have a problem with is stupid n00bs who dont talk, dont stick to the rules and/or dont even ask what the rules mean if they dont understand - and then the have the audacity to say "oh sorry, i didn't know" despite the fact everyone warned them that if they dont skip they'll be killed. We were all n00bs once, but were we all so damn ignorant?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
31.08.03 13:49
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i wasnt. i had the decency to come here and find out the rules!

then i practiced at home and THEN went online and became a legend.

well sumething like that
31.08.03 14:40
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[]The Pope
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is ur WM nick Wishmaster?

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.08.03 14:54
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uh my WM nick?

on wwp i am known as


31.08.03 15:18
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[]The Pope
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Learn to look, look to learn.
31.08.03 15:21
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cant say ive ever seen u tho.

when u normally on ?
31.08.03 15:24
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[]The Pope
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I come on randomly. How about we play a game now? meet in teh chatroom to talk.

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.08.03 15:27
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um i cant get in the chat

31.08.03 15:32
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meh,i found u both :D
31.08.03 17:10
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In the end the n%b wouldn't shutup. So he ended up getting flamed. I told him to shutup so he wouldn't get flamed. but nooooooo he just talked. see my sig. under the nameplate

31.08.03 17:34
Post #12
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^^ well thats.......random...
31.08.03 17:43
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jah, I dont think I was ever so basterdly as a n00b...I fugged one game up, but then a few kind souls showed me the way, and I ended doing c grade roping by my 2nd week online
31.08.03 21:38
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well seeing as my friend that taught me was a n00b. So i was taught by a n00b that didnt have a patch and said patches are bad. And then i didnt have internet. So i beat all missions and knew the game well. Then i went online and played without patch first. (back then the patch wasnt there as much) Then finally by then i could rope and stuff. (shittily tho since still no one i played was that good) Then finally i started playing better ppl and tada.
01.09.03 01:06
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