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this morning im on the net, fine i hear you say.

then i disconnect, fine again.

i try to open the internet explorer window, and it wont, it sez web page unavailable offline, this is b4 a window apears, fine i say

i click work offline since i can browse pages i visited earlier.

"internet explorer has encountered a problen and has to close. We appologise for the incconvienence"

:roll: !!


it does it again, and again.

i restart connect and its ok. until i wanna work offline

so turn off back on again connect and.........


everything, in the history tab, and the pull down menu where i type the address.

now everything is fine??????

should i be worrying cos i am.
27.08.03 09:18
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[]The Pope
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I think my history deletes itself after each restart so no-one can snoop around my computer. If it keeps saying we apologise etc... then it has something to do with one of ur programs. I know when I have my pop up stopper on that if i try and download something it closes IE. Maybe you have something similar. Don't think it's anything to be worried about seriously. Doesn't sound like hacking.

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27.08.03 09:22
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yeah ok, its never done it b4 tho, thats the thing.

im probs just paranoid,n it just dont make sense
27.08.03 09:24
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[]The Pope
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try and think about any recent programs you have installed/downloaded and see if they effect IE

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27.08.03 09:24
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last thing i insatlled or d/loaded was maps from here, ill run a scan 2nite. unless it does it again
27.08.03 09:28
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maps wont do anything and im sure this site is secure so nothing to worry about then.

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.08.03 09:31
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i ok, say why did my exclamation mark go BIG
27.08.03 09:32
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dunno let me try


Learn to look, look to learn.
27.08.03 09:33
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!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

i see now :D
27.08.03 09:35
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[]The Pope
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!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! Yep it only does it when u type multiple !s

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.08.03 09:37
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

so if I type multiple !!'s they will go big, but if I type one ! it will stay small? Brilliant!
27.08.03 11:37
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its magic !! !! ! !
27.08.03 15:47
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I have the perfect solution:

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.08.03 19:46
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speaking of it, why is ur readme.txt icon slightly inside all ur posts?
I'm using Moz Firebird, with default font settings.

If it matters, im in the "Map" design.
28.08.03 02:37
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it's a background image of the black box

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.08.03 20:35
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