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I've been coding PHP since i was 13.... I learnt Qbasic aged about 8, beat that :p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.08.03 19:54
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Dumazz is learning Flash animation at 9. and me? I'm a usless bum

27.08.03 19:55
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I'm 14, I was using Qbasic 6 or 7 years ago. Now, it's VB, Flash, HTML, JavaScript, and ASP (started doing that 1.5 years ago). I might get round to learning PHP sometime, since Windows Hosting is expensive.
27.08.03 20:52
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quite impressive. but beat this *drumroll* ive been doing html for a whole 120 minutes and ict, qbasic for 40 minutes and javascript,php and everythin else for 0 miunutes :D quite the web designer i am
27.08.03 20:55
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You want my sexy picture, I'll give it to ya!


27.08.03 20:57
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27.08.03 21:01
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Well I have no knowledge of coding at all and I have made around 85% of the house stuff. Although that hasn't got anything to do with coding. Zog or someone else do some more tutorial pages on php coding or html plz. I need n%b tutorials quick or I shall be stuck behin just drawing monkeys all day long.

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.08.03 21:36
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i made a site at age in gr 4. Mind u that was shit. And i can do good imaging...And as for dumazz. Hes good at everything and hes nine. And hes to quitiful. And he always quits things to quick. He needs to try and work on one flash game and find a way to finish it.
27.08.03 22:45
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[]The Pope, dunno if you're heard of it, but HTML Goodies is a good HTML site if you wanted to learn that. 'ts what I used.
27.08.03 23:45
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But, if you take a university course, your chances of getting a web design job will be eaiser to get!

28.08.03 01:28
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i was qbasicing at 7/8 too.

man i loved that 486 :D

i was doing general batch files n stuff a yr or so earlier, but had dr dos so qb wasnt in it. then somethign or other happened, and i got md dos, them discovered qb after doing random directorly listings on the dos directory.

man i loved experimenting :D

u should have seen the rad cheat menu i popped in nibbles - accesible in-game, borders, 1 - 0 keys = enable/disabel a cheat, etc :D

i still use qb for random file manipulations, ie if im to lazy to whip out vb or c or any other random programming util i may have installed.
28.08.03 02:40
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I stil dont know what QBasic is or how to use it.
28.08.03 02:54
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

u should have seen the rad cheat menu i popped in nibbles - accesible in-game, borders, 1 - 0 keys = enable/disabel a cheat, etc :D

In-game menu! why didn't i think of that??? I just added keys for P1/P" lives+ and score+ also made a version with v dark colour scheme so it was hard to see ur worm, made it so you lost points when u died and if u had < 0 points you lost.

Then i made two new levels that were technically possible but just waaaaay too hard for me!

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.08.03 12:49
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heh, I had fun with the level making portion :D

some of my cheats (off the top of my head) were:

go through walls
double back on yourself (and not die ;))
speed up
slow down
only had 1 number to eat

It certainly looked odd when a yellow snake crossed an orangish ground and that square turned dark orange :D

I alos modified it so in the beginnin gu can set how many numbers u had to eat, how fast you go (i had a feild day with this, i re-wrote the thing from a for loop because after i ported it to my w95 computer the auto speed detection would fail)

Also fun was modifing gorrila, the height n numbe of the buildings, the explosion sizes, etc ;)
30.08.03 17:41
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I'll dig out my old DOS 5 machine sometime - I remember I certainly made a few levels at least.

By the way CBWhiz, how come your money's over £10k now?
30.08.03 22:05
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