
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheHelp » How do i make for a scheme work?

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Hi guys. Listen. I downloaded 3 boom race schemes, i put in the user directory and then put in the schemes directory (wwp). So when i start the game and put the boom race map,it don't work. What do i have to do for boom race schemes works?

07.09.08 00:25
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

W:A Schemes aren't very compatible with WWP, am I wrong?

Try converting it with SchemeEddy

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I'm not the good person to blame
07.09.08 00:31
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better choose the correct gametype in the dropdown list of the download table. btp converts it for you
07.09.08 01:03
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i downloaded from here. And i saw that the schemes was to wwp. And today i played one boom race. But i want to know what i have to do for the schemes works. please if enebody knows the answer, say to me please
07.09.08 01:05
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for boom race, on mode selection in game, you must putt on god mode and if you want putt on 10 sec turn limith with infinity shoots (as many as you can make in 10 sec).

An image! Tails fan. Go Tails
07.09.08 15:50
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Before you download the scheme, you gotta make sure that on the drop-down menu that you're downloading the file for WWP, not just that the file is compatable with WWP. Otherwise the scheme won't work.

07.09.08 15:54
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