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btw, can admins see the passwords set by users? or are they encrypted?
06.07.08 11:40
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Quoted :: Pac-Man

btw, can admins see the passwords set by users? or are they encrypted?

06.07.08 13:55
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

Quoted :: Pac-Man

btw, can admins see the passwords set by users? or are they encrypted?

What does it matter? They can edit users how they want. They can also change your pass, even if they doesn't know yours.

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I'm not the good person to blame
06.07.08 17:15
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that does matter. you probably have no idea what "security" means.
06.07.08 19:55
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

I know what it means. But anyway, they don't need to know our pass: they can change it if they want. And why will they log in with our accounts when they can edit them without being logged in as us?

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I'm not the good person to blame
06.07.08 19:58
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Quoted :: MilesPrower

I know what it means. But anyway, they don't need to know our pass: they can change it if they want. And why will they log in with our accounts when they can edit them without being logged in as us?

for the lulz.
06.07.08 21:29
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Who the fuck cares about their BTP account anyway. There is no security risk here. There is nothing of value to be gained from any kind of stuff like that. People don't give a shit about your account or your profile. Deal with it.
06.07.08 22:07
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

^You haven't yet figured out that he over-exaggerates over everything?
06.07.08 22:09
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Quoted :: SouthX

^You haven't yet figured out that he over-exaggerates over everything?

Don't know, don't care.
06.07.08 22:12
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

Quoted :: Spleet

Who the fuck cares about their BTP account anyway. There is no security risk here. There is nothing of value to be gained from any kind of stuff like that. People don't give a shit about your account or your profile. Deal with it.

Ya. It isn't like our credit card numbers are registered into our accounts. What does people can get? e-mail? MSN? Website URL? Only that. What else? Nothing.

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I'm not the good person to blame
06.07.08 23:07
Post #40
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Quoted :: Pac-Man
what now? ARE they or ARENT they, like pio said ?!

Instead of asking, log out and try it with your own password to find out.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
07.07.08 02:23
Post #41
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

Quoted :: Pac-Man

what now? ARE they or ARENT they, like pio said ?!

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

they are case sensitive everywhere. When you type your password in it uses a hashing / other stuff function to turn what you typed into a long string of hex, then compares that to the string created when you set your password.

It's a complicated function that uses more than one element of your profile, but I think it uses the same function for when you set it as when you edit it, so I don't know where the problem was...

I hope it answers.

btw, it could be nice if the lost pass function could be like e-mails providers. It will avoid those kinds of stories. No?

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I'm not the good person to blame
07.07.08 02:31
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