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I've been coding a game called 'FreeShoppa' for two months now. It's going to
be a kind of Worms Armageddon / Worms World Party clone. It's been engineered
for people who have a large roping skils. With FreeShoppa you can play Shoppa,
FlyShoppa, WxW, Proper and RopeRace (All of those modes are known from

The game is an Open Source project, so it's free and I willingly encourage
everyone to help me creating it. I hope you'll try it and send me some
information about your opinions about the game.

Visit FreeShoppa homepage at:

There are versions both for Windows and Linux operating system. Hope you enjoy.

I'd also like to encourage you to direct other valuable worms players to try

I am waiting forward to hearing from professionals who tried FreeShoppa.

Thanks in advance, best regards
06.09.07 09:21
Post #1
Last edited: 26.10.10 07:56 (chomzee - 1 times) [FreeShoppa - The Evolution of Roping] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hey, cool game!

i tried myself to make a worms clone with Blitz3D. I deleted it after 1 hour of work...^^
06.09.07 13:01
Post #2
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[G]dj canada
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I'm having troubles with the controlls for it
28.09.07 01:19
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Ye, same. Space isn't working too well.
28.09.07 04:44
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[G]dj canada
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I cannot figure out how to choose to shoot a wepon, enter seems to be for shoot, but, hehe, how do I select a wepon. :?

I'm not even sure if I would bother to translate the page, would I get insctuctions on the controlls?

The dynamics are weird... I'm having troubles with the fly map. Can't seem to figure out how to get alot of speed.

But aside from all that, it is kinda fun and funny. It would take me a long while to get used to it after playing W:A for so long. And there seems to be alot of gravity in this game. =)
29.09.07 03:26
Post #5
Last edited: 29.09.07 03:28 (DJ Canada - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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You can only use the weapon you pick up in the turn you are on.
29.09.07 03:40
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[G]dj canada
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I caught onto that actully, but still, my wepond does not fire, I hold the ENTER button and it says (fire wepon) in the conner, but nothing happens.
29.09.07 03:48
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What type of game do you play? In shoppa you are allowed to shoot after you pick up the weapon.
If you play FlyShoppa, you MUST also fly before attack.
If you play wxw, you MUST also touch all the walls before attack.

I think I should also tell more about developing state of FreeShoppa for now.

I am currently working to release 0.14 version with some new graphics (all weapons will be textured), I hope you will like it. There will be a nice logo of the project as well. Balls and other stuff will be textured in further releases.

You can expect 0.14 version of FreeShoppa in a few days. After that I will try to make FreeShoppa website English, write some tutorial for n00bs and anglicize the documentation files. I am starting my studies on Monday, so I will have less time for coding, but I will try to do my best.
29.09.07 20:11
Post #8
Last edited: 29.09.07 20:27 (chomzee - 4 times) [FreeShoppa - The Evolution of Roping] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Textured balls. Very nice.

I like the game so far. It's really cool how you can restrict people from attacking when they're not supposed to. Very nice.

30.09.07 18:23
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Textured balls. Very nice.


Sorry, I've nothing more to say. Continue with whatever. ;)

Wupps. I killed the topic. *hides*
30.09.07 20:58
Post #10
Last edited: 06.10.07 01:15 (SouthX - 2 times) [] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The screenshot of new version (0.14)

The game is getting more and more pretty :)
09.11.07 21:19
Post #11
Last edited: 09.11.07 21:29 (chomzee - 2 times) [FreeShoppa - The Evolution of Roping] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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LOL nice smiley-worms :D i like them, they are looking a bit like pac-man ;)
10.11.07 11:22
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WA Clan: Fuck
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

They are? Where's the fucking legs? oO
10.11.07 15:13
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Damn, they look NICE!

10.11.07 16:39
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Quoted :: SouthX
They are?

Balls with eyes. ;D

Quoted :: SouthX
Where's the fucking legs? oO

Balls have no legs ;)
14.11.07 09:01
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