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Poll: BTP ruined?
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Quoted :: Spleet

You don't know of Friends?!

Yeah I don't know what friends is, what is it?
28.08.07 02:28
Post #61
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wasnt it on Pro7? long time ago but i remember something called "Friends" or "FriendZ"
28.08.07 02:29
Post #62
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WA Clan: Fuck
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Hum... Do you know who's in it?
28.08.07 02:32
Post #63
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pff that was one of these girlie serials i never watched, im not gay^^
28.08.07 02:33
Post #64
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[]Star Worms
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I keep coming back every now and then, but there's really not much to do here any more.

03.09.07 19:13
Post #65
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Quoted :: ReadMe

you see, this is why people dont come here anymore, the forum has been reduced to a bunch of senseless drivel and grammar nazis.

that and to make threads asking if people think the site has died.

i dont even play worms anymore. i just come by every now again out of boredom to see what has become of the site. the only subject matter here is worms... or should i say, there is no subject matter here.

not that that is necessarily a bad thing.
04.09.07 08:37
Post #66
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Emo Faggot
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I visit here every now and then, but I don't like the forums...
When I'm here I usually upload a few graves, annoy the pixel or a blamer, and make a (p)roper excuse.

I still play worms, but not often...
And I generally don't have time for these forums... I'm more at the "facepunch studios" forums and err... I'm a gaiafag to :mrgreen:

I'll fuck you in the butt.
06.09.07 09:37
Post #67
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4chan is excellent. You gotta do it for the lulz (tm).

The site is like an animal you arent sure is dead.

You pok eit with a stick.

08.09.07 06:33
Post #68
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WA Clan: Fuck
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Quoted :: CBWhiz

4chan is excellent. You gotta do it for the lulz (tm).

The site is like an animal you arent sure is dead.

You pok eit with a stick.


...So gonna jack-up my monitor man! :|
08.09.07 08:32
Post #69
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Ok, Now I Like Cheese!
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Wow. Lots of mums probally here... :twisted:

HAHAHAH! I will offend you. ANd yes BTP is getting a bit boring. STill, the only thing that keeps me going is peoples mums!:D

I love cheese. Mmmm, dairy products.
08.09.07 21:29
Post #70
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om nom nom nom nom
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I dislike you already :o
08.09.07 21:31
Post #71
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

I agree.
Record! :o
08.09.07 21:37
Post #72
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and its NOT me!
09.09.07 00:19
Post #73
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Quoted :: Pac-Man

and its NOT me!

Nobody said it was you so I'd shh if I were you.

If this individual continues abusing people's 'mothers' or 'mums' he will be punished.


Now, back on topic....


09.09.07 01:01
Post #74
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om nom nom nom nom
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he is beginning to spam up the place already...

I mean NO! BTP is not ruined!
09.09.07 23:29
Post #75
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