since i cant upload files with the normal form, here it is.
with this tool you can boot direct tcp-ip games with teststuff1/2/3, battyropes1/2/3/5, speed 1.5 v1/2.
prerequisites: java runtime enviroment 6 (
1)place the jar anywhere. double click on it.
2)select the version you may want to use, the password (leave it as is if you arent planning a passworded game), and if ovg will put a team when it joins (so you can boot a "offline" game, that is, no other players required to start your game).
3)click on start autojoin: it will minimize.
4)open wa, host a direct tcp-ip game, ovg should join. now do all the stuff about schemes and maps.
5)use the remote commands (send a private message to the phantom player called OlderVersionGuy) to control OVG:
"light": lights ovg.
"rejoin [version byte in hexdecimal format, or version name]". OVG will rejoin with selected version. Available version names: "ts#" (teststuff number #), "br#" (battyropes number #), "1.5" (1.5 speed version 2).
"team": put a team (if not already done)
finally, start game. ovg will immediatly disconnect.
bug report/questions/whatever @
due to team17 wish, wormnet is not enabled. Sources included
EDIT: for those who dont know: teststuff/battyropes/1.5 speed are version of worms' engine like all the other public betas. the only differences is that they havent been made public (except the leaked battyropes3 and teststuff1).
battyropes makes your worms stand on rope at turn end.
teststuff1 allows throwing weaps while flying (not attached to rope!)+indian rope glitch (shoot the rope downward).
teststuff2 allows battyropes+indian rope glitch.
teststuff3 is teststuff1 + teststuff2 + no limit to roping speed+png maps support (yes, all the other dont support them)
1.5 speed makes your game run at 1.5 speed.
for some replays i've made, search in the team17 discussion
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