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Poll: Do you think, you are a spammer?
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Pac-Man

Quoted :: Our Pioneer...

Yeah well that can be pretty annoying as I sometimes can't even understand some of the things you say

oh i do that with good intent ;)

19.06.07 20:54
Post #46
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I think that he thinks that hes the REAL pacman... Dunno for sure though.
19.06.07 21:00
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

He's telling me how to get fat and yellow like him. =o
Edit: Now I just need to know how to get pizza shaped with a slice missing :D
19.06.07 22:18
Post #48
Last edited: 19.06.07 22:19 (SouthX - 1 times) [] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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why not? my real name is given in my profile. the pixel are the admins, huh, pioneer? ;) ... its funny

<--- this is me in front of a bluebox
20.06.07 19:56
Post #49
(Spam) Last edited: 22.06.07 19:02 (Pac-Man - 2 times) [Hide Sig (15)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Actually, it's not always Pioneer that answers your pixel questions... if you catch my drift.
20.06.07 19:58
Post #50
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Orangie Orgy
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i havent answered pixel questions in weeks
20.06.07 22:08
Post #51
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I was implying you get other people to do your dirty work.
20.06.07 22:20
Post #52
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Pio answer pixel questions again... I don't like to wait for my answers. I also know that they're all stupid, even the ones that aren't questions. :(
21.06.07 02:38
Post #53
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Orangie Orgy
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I usually delete ones that are like few words with no question or completly unreadable, but fine
21.06.07 02:39
Post #54
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om nom nom nom nom
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What are you guys talking about? The Pixel answers the pixel questions.

21.06.07 11:42
Post #55
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Yeah, kokumbob, its right btw...

Quoted :: The Pixel er... Pioneer322 ;)

I usually delete ones that are like few words with no question or completly unreadable, but fine

uO so all my questions were deleted :D completely unreadable

Question: is anyone using the search box in "home"?
Another question: Is there an url, which will hide the navigation on the left? Im programming a BTP companion with that you can navigate with menus... quite not finished.
21.06.07 15:35
Post #56
(Spam) Last edited: 21.06.07 15:37 (Pac-Man - 1 times) [Hide Sig (15)] [Profile] [Quote]
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