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[]Unvalidated EmailJuancri
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I have a question of the DS version, is the DS version able to play with another persons?

10.06.07 15:47
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[]Unvalidated EmailJuancri
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12.06.07 15:26
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Waiting for Worms Open Warfare 2 too come out...
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Yes you can.

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13.06.07 09:12
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Actually, I've been told that you cant.. DS Worms Open Warfare doesn't allow for online gameplay. Whether the second does, I don't know.
13.06.07 18:10
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You can't on the first one, can on the second. I think.
14.06.07 01:48
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Waiting for Worms Open Warfare 2 too come out...
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Quoted :: Spleet

Actually, I've been told that you cant.. DS Worms Open Warfare doesn't allow for online gameplay. Whether the second does, I don't know.
[quote=EvilWeevil] You can't on the first one, can on the second one. i think.
Sorry I didn't know you meant Worms: Open Warfare. i thought you meant plain DS. I dunno about Worms: Open Warfare but I do know that you can go online on Worms: Open Warfare 2 on both handheld consoles.
You may have too check aout Worms: Open Warfare on the offical website. You can either go on the offical website: or the offical THQ worms Website: or you can go on my Worms Open Warfare 2 forum or the offical WOW2 website: & ! Well, cya! :D

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14.06.07 06:10
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[]Unvalidated EmailJuancri
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I'm not talking about the Worms: Open Warfare or whatever...
I am just asking if I can go on-line on W DS, but I guess not.
14.06.07 14:00
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Quoted :: Juancri

I'm not talking about the Worms: Open Warfare or whatever...
I am just asking if I can go on-line on W DS, but I guess not.

youre guessing right
02.08.07 20:14
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