
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Worms open warfare

Poll: Is Worms: Open warfare any good? 1-5/5
1 - It sucks 1 users
2 - It has its bad points 0 users
3 - Its ok 1 users
4 - It is good 1 users
5 - Its amazing 0 users
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As you will probaably have heard, Worms open warfare is out for the DS and the PSP.

And i must say it is good, I have the DS version and i think its the platform a handheld Worms would be suited for.

The touchscreen is used to pan around the minimap and select weapons, it is also used as a menu.

All the terain is like the computer versions, completely deformable, the engine is flawless and the game allows teams to be made and DS download play with up to four players.

So for those of you with a DS or a PSP, this game is a reccomendation.

If you own the game and would like to rate it, i added a poll for you to vote in.

26.04.07 19:04
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Have it, but I still don't have WiFi to use it with. Though with WiFi I'm sure its probably a damn good game. I got bored after about a month because I have no friends with DSs... so yeh. If you like worms, you will most likely enjoy it on the handheld of your choice. But if you've grown to not like it as much, then I wouldnt recommend getting it.
26.04.07 22:21
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im afraid the game does not use nintendo Wifi
27.04.07 10:31
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Worms Open Warfare II will apparently use more of the multiplayer capabilities.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
29.04.07 10:38
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