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I want to put a worms replay on youtube but not every part of it. I want to be able to edit it and stuff. I tried extracting the video by right clicking on the replay and clicking "extract video" but all i get is frames and i can't edit 50000 frames because they're all like 5 seconds long.
21.02.07 03:15
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get a proper video editor.

21.02.07 03:37
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

get a proper video editor.

21.02.07 03:40
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from where??

Sorry from my bad engliash.
26.02.07 21:42
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Thanks but where do you get that?
04.03.07 04:09
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Quoted :: Hujiba

Thanks but where do you get that?

The internet

04.03.07 05:15
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and? i searched from google with these keywords "proper video editor" and found nothing! :?

There are three kinds of people in the world; ones that can count and ones that can't count.
06.03.07 11:46
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Orangie Orgy
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well, yeah. you suck at google.
06.03.07 12:48
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that was the WORST sarcasm i'v ever heard 8O

There are three kinds of people in the world; ones that can count and ones that can't count.
07.03.07 07:33
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Who said it was sarcasm?
07.03.07 09:34
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i did!

There are three kinds of people in the world; ones that can count and ones that can't count.
07.03.07 11:46
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well, you do suck at google
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It's not google but it's the same thing.
07.03.07 15:21
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09.03.07 16:17
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yeah, and im sure he knows spanish.
09.03.07 19:16
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

yeah, and im sure he knows spanish.

We can always pretend

09.03.07 21:37
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