
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » So I'm back to worms after about 4 years...

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..Only to find my Pixville II house demolished! At first I didn't believe it and refreshed the page, then refresh again when it refused to show up again. Then one more refresh to make perfectly sure. Then I nearly fainted as the enormity of the situation sunk in. This outrage should not go unpunished, it took me a whole half an hour to make!

An image!
31.01.07 11:28
Post #1
Last edited: 31.01.07 11:30 (Blammo - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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ha, make another maybe?
31.01.07 21:40
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Orangie Orgy
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What was your house?
01.02.07 03:00
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I had an ... err, rustic (dilapidated) old house next to Knifa industries, the account is my old one (Steaker or something). I'm nearly finished my new one though, hooray!

An image!
01.02.07 03:03
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Orangie Orgy
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Things happened awhile ago (like, a year?) and the image itself is just gone
If you still have the house image I could re-upload it
01.02.07 03:58
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Nah, multiple reformats since I made it but Thanks anyway.

An image!
01.02.07 04:19
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You should have said you were Staeker :D Because I had thought you were some super old user back after 4 years or something.
01.02.07 04:34
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But.. I.. Am some super old worms person. Three years of worms celibacy at the very least.

An image!
01.02.07 04:45
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But not 4 years on BTP. I also remember your house.. It was a brick affair with vines growing up the side, right?
01.02.07 20:52
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That's the one. It's in the process of turning into a gothic monastary at the moment, though.

An image!
01.02.07 22:55
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How can I make a house?
05.02.07 04:18
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Bricks and mortar.

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.02.07 11:04
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Or pixels. Whichever is easier in the current situation.

EDIT: I have 1331 posts.:lol:
06.02.07 23:00
Post #13
Last edited: 07.02.07 19:08 (kikumbob - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]

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