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pio should wait until tomorrow to post again, thus hitting 2007 posts on the 1st of January 2007 - there's probably something very symbolic about that.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
31.12.06 14:31
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Oooh yes do that...
31.12.06 20:18
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Yeah, it'll be like he's posted from the beginning of time.



01.01.07 02:10
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Yeah, it'll be like he's posted from the beginning of time.

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Learn to look, look to learn.
01.01.07 13:09
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i did whut now
01.01.07 17:36
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Win. :lol:
01.01.07 19:04
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sumbody's gotta screenshot this D:

03.01.07 21:50
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You rang?
I don't know if you were being serious or not, but here it is, in all it's Hi-Res glory

Higher Quality here:
03.01.07 22:43
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Excellent. Now. What do we do with them?
04.01.07 21:06
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Dude, I don't know. Abd askef for it, so I assumed the position and gave it to him.
04.01.07 21:40
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print them and use them as a poster :lol:
04.01.07 21:40
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Post some irrelevent news on the subject, using the screenshots as proof?
05.01.07 18:18
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Print out a poster and send to Pio.


05.01.07 19:40
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