
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Worms Renegade, Seeking Artists!

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Hiho, it's rare that I come to BTP, I'm from WA if you don't know me. And yeah I'm posting this thread in multiple locations, sorry if you're tired of seeing it ;]. For any of you artists out there, as you may have gathered, WR is seeking artists. Worms Renegade is a MMORPG in production, myself, Marc (aka Flamie), Mini, Wyvern and some others have been working on the game for about one year now, and finally most of the groundwork has been done. The game is going to be a full length RPG, and surely [I]the[/I] biggest game coded in PHP. Although you simply click to move your worm around and there's no animation in-game thus far (though there shall be GIF cutscenes when we get to them), the art for this game is essential, and a huge undertaking.

The game isn't entirely related to the worms series, for example the worm designs are not that much like team17 worms. However, our intention is certainly to capture some of the wackiness of the worms series, the art is generally one part old school RPG, one part cartoon, and another part charming strangeness. To see what the game looks like, here are some screenshots of 2 towns so far:

[URL=]An image![/URL ]
[URL=]An image![/URL ]
[URL=]An image![/URL]< br /> [URL=]An image![/URL ]
[URL=]An image![/URL ]

Basically, you begin in the aptly-named town of Startsville, selecting a worm from one of six races, simply named the Girl, Fat, Regular, Evil, Crazy, or Emo race. Set nearly 100 years after Armageddon crippled the worms population, you will progress through a bizarre, hilarious and mysterious journey throughout Lumbria (the worms world), and in traditional RPG style you will fight many enemies along the way using a slew of weaponry and items.

There are numerous different sections of the game for an artist to focus on, and we certainly need artists in every category to make the production faster. First the map aspect of the game is pretty important, it would include creating textures and outlines of cities, areas, towns, etc. Separately but similarly would be object design, mapmaking becomes easier with a selection of objects to choose from, beds, houses, trees, etc, and we do appreciate reasonable detail for all objects. And next, we need clothing artists for the avatar system (pics below in a moment), which can also include facial expressions. Lastly we could use artists for both enemy design and NPC design (the non-player characters), these definitely require some innovation and creative thinking.

WR is seeking artists who above all else are inventive, the style of the game alone is crucial, it can create the atmosphere for every aspect of it. As for the range of skill that we're looking for, hopefully you can draw almost anything needed without too much trouble, with shading and a bit of detail, and the medium you use isn't a big deal, MS Paint, Photoshop, it's not too consequential. And of course, we need you to be responsible, reliable, trustworthy, mature, and to really enjoy drawing. If any of this interests you artists, respond in this thread, PM me, add me to msn (, or even come to my house where you'll be treated to cookies. Don't worry about how time consuming this is, we encourage you to work only when you feel inspired, though trying to get some stuff done on a weekly basis is a good goal. The WR team so far has worked entirely in their free time, so there's not a huge time commitment here, we only ask that you do what you can. :]

Anddd, here are some of the enemies created thus far, and screens of the fashion shop menu for 3 of the races.
An image!
An image!
An image!
An image!
03.12.06 10:14
Post #1
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