
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Good old Reinforcements

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Remember the good old times? Worms Reinforcements was one of the first Worms games ever by Team17. Lets talk about silly-kicked Grenades :lol: and big pixels - juust the right place to talk about pixels ;).
02.11.06 18:45
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Glad to see that our new users arn't just porno and drug ads... However, I do not remember Worms Reinforcements.
02.11.06 19:08
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you really dont remember the old worms? so u can see how old this game is: so old, that noone knows it... hihi! But if you want to see this game on UR monitor, u can download it on the original worms reinforcements webiste of team17. have gun ;-)
03.11.06 14:35
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I recall Worms for SNES, but I never, actually owned it.
03.11.06 19:07
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All in all, there are SO many Worms Games that have been ever created. But all the popularity of Worms is from the good ol Reinforcements, which only runs in DOS and on an 166 MHz-Computer :lol:
04.11.06 12:46
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