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No, because he doesn't utilise English in the correct, proper way.
17.07.06 21:02
Post #16
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Only because he is using Caps Lock for the entire post, excessive swearing and just trying to prove a point in which no-one cares about anyway.
(for the record, I'm just guessing about no-one caring cause I don't :S)


17.07.06 22:41
Post #17
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Then say it Veggi, he started this post.
He also goes on other forums and posts a, "NAiL warning"
17.07.06 22:59
Post #18
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Quoted :: Spleet

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Please fix this bug, i dont know why, but it bothers me.. Btw, yes, NAiL's post is extremely hard to read.

rofl spleet. i knew someone was going to look into my profile to see what I wrote :D. Silly nub, Bug doesn't affect me.

Edit: Yeah RunT, I don't really care at all. Someone should start a poll here "Do you actually care about this shit?" If someone impersonated me I'd all be "meh."

18.07.06 04:35
Post #19
Last edited: 18.07.06 04:38 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Spleet

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Please fix this bug, i dont know why, but it bothers me.. Btw, yes, NAiL's post is extremely hard to read.

rofl spleet. i knew someone was going to look into my profile to see what I wrote :D. Silly nub, Bug doesn't affect me.

Edit: Yeah RunT, I don't really care at all. Someone should start a poll here "Do you actually care about this shit?" If someone impersonated me I'd all be "meh."

Of course, I knew that you knew that someone would look... hence the"Silly profile bug. badger badger..."
18.07.06 08:11
Post #20
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There is no point in arguing yet to keep doing it. NAiL has been impersonting me & kicking people out of the clan :\

Erm Nail, the KateGirl stuf is at the top :S
18.07.06 14:17
Post #21
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Liar, explain the big post then lol. All you said was there is no point in arguing, It's obvoius that you have been lying the whole time, and you know it. now if you say no point of arguing, why do you keep goign to other forums and writing topics about NAiL? Your starting the arguements
18.07.06 15:52
Post #22
[]Unvalidated EmailNAiL
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18.07.06 17:44
Post #23
Last edited: 18.07.06 17:46 (NAiL - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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What the fuck? Calm down.

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Quoted :: Emberstrife

Please, control your temper. Caps lock is not cruise control for cool, neither is excessive swearing.

OH MY GOD REALLY??!? I'd better stop doing it then.

... Who marked a zog post as spam?
18.07.06 19:44
Post #24
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Not online within the last half an hour was! Wasnt it? Just because its his forum dosnt mean hes like the God...wait...
18.07.06 19:58
Post #25
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