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If you live on USA / canada's east coast, chances are you know about this one...

Startting 4:11 yesterday, poower dies. Radio says, oh yeah itll be on in a few hours. over 15 hours later! it comes back on at 7:30 in the morning. I have now been on my computer for 7 minutes in the past 15 hours. how horrible.

To make it worse, my computer restored a registry backup thats about 2 weeks old... :(

Oh well. At least it didnt commit suicide.
15.08.03 11:36
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yeh, you don't have to live in the usa to hear about it, it was on the news last night here, pretty much just after it happened. Rather predictably they started going on about how it could be terrorist attacks. I say that pretzel that George Bush choked on was probably a terrorist attack too.

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15.08.03 11:44
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[]The Pope
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Yeah, i heard him talking about the power outtage. The first thing he said was that it is not a terrorist attack. I bet he is saying to himself 'Damn! Can't use that as an excuse to attack Iraq again. It6 was so fun first time...' lol

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15.08.03 11:55
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they said on the radio how it wasnt a terrorist attack, but who belives anythign these days: i saw it was the canadians! they're invading! :D j/k
15.08.03 11:55
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Damn them and their supa mounties! Boil the oil! Raise the gate. Ration the burgers!

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15.08.03 12:11
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Yeah... it was on GMTV this morning... I wonder how people who didn't have any money on them got along?
15.08.03 14:26
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they probably have set up emergency feeding and sheltering centers.

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15.08.03 14:27
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I woke up at about noon or a bit before, it's 1:11 now, and I been watchin the news on it all morn' til now, when i gots on da comp. watched Fox News and CNBC because I couldn't find MSNBC. heh

oh, and caught a bit of MTV, cuz they had something on it, or at least it looked like it.
15.08.03 18:11
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lol i didnt even know much about htis. But Bush is actually waiting to attack canada. Hes pissed they're not obeying him anymore. THats why they arent taking beef from hear and such. Its not cause of mad cow. Cause mad cow wasnt even fed to anyone. Just ppl found a cow with some and killed it. Nothing more.
15.08.03 19:40
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The Iraq war was just a distraction so Bush could gather his forces without anyone suspecting he was actually going to take over Canada. It turned out when you declare war, you don't get a receipt to return it.

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16.08.03 11:36
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someone should kill this guy. Run him over or something.
16.08.03 16:58
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moi or GB

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16.08.03 17:37
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