
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » worms ds

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dont this bother getting this game unless u want to play the cpu because this game does not have wi fi i know i have it :( it would rock with terrain editor but it does not allow u to do that and barely any weapons, rope sucks ad u cant have separate sounbanks, no wormpots , crap terrains,bad graphics i expected better from the ds it, the game looks like it should be for game boy advance, i wish game was better ds is supposed to be better than game boy advance, it is expensive, controls can get annoying and doesnt take full advantage of touch screen this is a warning dont get worms on ds! its so u dont waste ur money trust me
26.04.06 18:18
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: pop

dont this bother getting this game unless u want to play the cpu because this game does not have wi fi i know i have it :( it would rock with terrain editor but it does not allow u to do that and barely any weapons, rope sucks ad u cant have separate sounbanks, no wormpots , crap terrains,bad graphics i expected better from the ds it, the game looks like it should be for game boy advance, i wish game was better ds is supposed to be better than game boy advance, it is expensive, controls can get annoying and doesnt take full advantage of touch screen this is a warning dont get worms on ds! its so u dont waste ur money trust me

Whoever wrote this review needs to take 5th grade english class again...
Of course worms ds isnt gonna be good because gameboy worms games haven't been good at all as far as i've played
PSP worms, yey.
26.04.06 18:52
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i didnt say the gameboy worms i said the ds worms the psps rival and besides its still crap on both
26.04.06 18:57
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Orangie Orgy
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Maybe you didn't read it hard enough
Then again i can barely read what you type..
PSP worms was fun, what was wrong with that?
26.04.06 19:05
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