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I registered myself 3 days ago, but I don't have got a activation e-mail yet (i have written correct e-mail, i'm sure of that). I'm afraid that there is a bug, coz usual most of activation e-mails comes very fast.
20.04.06 16:45
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I just made an account with []Blenderer and activated his email - go ahead check how long he has been here. It seems to be working - try a different email.
20.04.06 16:50
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Orangie Orgy
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Yeh, i dunno why... guess its just picky of the types of emails people register with

Ill validate it anyways
20.04.06 16:53
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Quoted :: xSKATEx

I just made an account with []Blenderer and activated his email - go ahead check how long he has been here. It seems to be working - try a different email.

Just a question Skate, why is your torso a n00b torso? - it's white.
20.04.06 23:30
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It's brilliant white. It's one of the new torsos Pio introduced. THe ones you pay for.

And on a side note, what relevence does your post have to do with the quoted text?

20.04.06 23:33
Post #5
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

It's brilliant white. It's one of the new torsos Pio introduced. THe ones you pay for.

And on a side note, what relevence does your post have to do with the quoted text?

20.04.06 23:50
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Quoted :: HarrY

It's brilliant white. It's one of the new torsos Pio introduced. THe ones you pay for.

And on a side note, what relevence does your post have to do with the quoted text?

I was asking him the question.
20.04.06 23:52
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So what? I answered it for him, Why? I felt like it. Does it make a difference who answers it? No.

21.04.06 00:14
Post #8
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]

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