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Which would suck because cheating is fun :D

13.04.06 22:15
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It's not fun when you do something, thinking it's perfectly within the rules and isn't a huge cheating manuver then get told you can't do that due to rules that you never knew about. And you spent about an hour coluring in that pissing picture.

If it was coded, then if you attempt to to do that it'll tell you you can't so you don't waste you time.

13.04.06 22:30
Post #17
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Congratulations, []Atomic52, you beat all odds and won Rask#2. Your £3,500 prize money will be donated to you as soon as possible!

Wow, way different strategy than last game.
He sat their and almost did nothing, but because no one found him as a threat, and Aku allied with him, he managed to win, even though he took almost no land. (two of the smaller continents)
18.04.06 04:59
Post #18
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Huzzah! I'm so glad to recieve this pointless, pointless money.



18.04.06 05:59
Post #19
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Quoted :: BTP

[B]C1-Money: £174.76

haha, not much you have anymore eh?

18.04.06 07:07
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Would it be possible for the entire conversation to be forwarded to me?

18.04.06 22:44
Post #21
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Quoted :: C1



That spelling error always bothered me. Stop it C1!

Congratz Atomic. How did you cheat this time?

19.04.06 07:08
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: C1



That spelling error always bothered me. Stop it C1!

Congratz Atomic. How did you cheat this time?

Well, there were many, many forms of cheating I used, talking in this forum would only scratch the ice Hershey. Someday I'll tell you, someday...



19.04.06 14:32
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy
Congratz Atomic. How did you cheat this time?
he cheated by not doing anything like a bastard, and using Roll Haxx :P

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.04.06 13:27
Post #24
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He cheated by collecting 1000+ moves every time, and quietly adding an additional 500 while painting them on the map!

20.04.06 16:12
Post #25
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[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: xSKATEx

Quoted :: BTP

[B]C1-Money: £174.76

haha, not much you have anymore eh?

[B]C1-Money: £5871.65

Admins can edit their money:P

23.04.06 11:10
Post #26
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And other admins can change it.

You know I'm a dancing machine
23.04.06 21:03
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

And other admins can change it.

I didn't edit my money.
Note: We had houses that could be sold for over 3000 pounds? I still had my houses and sold them. I didn't edit my money. However, now that I have no money, I'm going to be forced to edit it back. Thanks StarWorms for the exact amount.

Look at the amount of houses I have. I used to have like 4? Now I have 1 (which I'll never sell, I've lived in it for over 1000 days), and renting in 1. Plus the houses from pixelville (which provide no money?)
23.04.06 23:15
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is all I have to say.

I was going to ask if you could spell over-reaction but it sounded wierd.

You know I'm a dancing machine
23.04.06 23:47
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That's a lie. Reduce his money again >_>

24.04.06 00:50
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