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Poll: Do you approve of C1 being an Admin?
Yes 12 users
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Well it's come up a lot lately, there has been some feuds, but now I'm asking you, does C1 need to be a staff member?

Please don't vote abstain.



30.03.06 09:02
Post #1
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Since he's the most active member and been a moderator since hell knows when, does a lot of general moderation, knows code and made Pixel Pets, it is only fitting to give him a staff position, IMHO.

Disregard that, he is the embodyment of evil and eats little children.
30.03.06 11:06
Post #2
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

C1 is stuff everywhere:):):)
30.03.06 21:05
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does this really matter?
Who cares if hes an admin... if pio is, C1 should be..
30.03.06 21:24
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Makes no differnece. Does anyone really distrust C1 that much?

30.03.06 21:51
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Quoted :: HarrY

Makes no differnece. Does anyone really distrust C1 that much?

I'm quite sure if I were to blow up BTP, I would have done it by now :P
31.03.06 00:36
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Quoted :: HarrY

Makes no differnece. Does anyone really distrust C1 that much?

He did get banned once... actually twice. One was the auto-ban thing and he got banned for misusing a bug. I really don't care about C1 being admin, because he really isn't much of an attention whore anymore and he's been making good choices. Actually, Now that I think of it, C1 has actually changed.

31.03.06 05:34
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Quoted :: HarrY

Makes no differnece. Does anyone really distrust C1 that much?

There was someone who wanted me to make this thread but I will not name names.



31.03.06 06:28
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Atomic, don't tell C1 it was me :o

31.03.06 06:55
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Atomic, don't tell C1 it was me :o

Don't worry I wouldn't dream of it.



31.03.06 11:10
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I'm neither against him becoming staff nor for him becoming staff. I don't see why we need so many staff on this website.

31.03.06 12:03
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Quoted :: Star Worms

I'm neither against him becoming staff nor for him becoming staff. I don't see why we need so many staff on this website.

Hahaha..because no one can stay active for more than a week :P
31.03.06 12:36
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I don't mind. We've have our arguments, but when I look back I see they were mostly petty and mostly my fault.

And we need more administrators, since al the golden-oldies have become inactive.

Except Bloopy. Three cheers for him :)
31.03.06 21:35
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yeh, what ever happened to Readme anyway...
31.03.06 22:31
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CBWhiz pops his head in everynow and then. Bloopy is active. Pio is always active :P

Quoted :: C1

Hahaha..because no one can stay active for more than a week :P

I'm here more than once a day, beat that :P


31.03.06 23:29
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