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It's Sunday in some countries, so yeah. I maek Sunday Blamer and it's there.

12.02.06 03:02
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[]Star Worms
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O rly?

Where is it?

12.02.06 10:16
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Quoted :: Star Worms

O rly?

Where is it?

It's issue #1, strangly...

12.02.06 10:23
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Orangie Orgy
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its issue one for some reason
funds now go to abd, new shyt every sunday, how ye gonna do issue number 2? or better yet, whats gonna happen to the old issues?
12.02.06 11:01
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I will call it Issue #2abd

12.02.06 14:59
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Nah, I don't mind but it would be good if I got the money from the issues I made, if it's possible.

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.02.06 17:38
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abd can share :mrgreen:
13.02.06 04:31
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I bought it ;O
hi btw :)
edit: woa 532 I'm rich ;P

Have a cup of ABD :]
14.02.06 00:26
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Yey. Mebe you can buy a cup of abd?

14.02.06 04:26
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Oh noes. I maek Issue 1 mini edition. It says Mini Edition in the description. I tried calling the issue 1 mini edition, but it came out as Issue #1 again :-/. I suggest everyone buy this article, because it's important.

26.02.06 04:02
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Its nice to know someone else wants the sunday blamer to reappear.

If you want any random jumble of he 72 dd symbols of the english language to fill a small space in the newspaper in the form of some kind of random review/interview, I do alot of those nowadays...
26.02.06 21:37
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Aha, I get a column in this. "Atomic's Rant."

I don't want any money or anything, just need to express some opinions. When I get my computer fixed (New HDD) I'll start writing.

Oh and I just bought TheAbdBoy Edition! With less randomness, no comic and an interview with Pio! and the page the PM directed me to is a 404... Bleh.



27.02.06 06:48
Post #12
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knifa fucked over everything on knd
you'll have to give bloopy the issue so he can change url's in the database which i can't do
27.02.06 12:31
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Atomic, how many issues of

Quoted :: Atomic52

TheAbdBoy Edition! With less randomness, no comic and an interview with Pio!

did you buy? I'll refund you. I'll PM you the new link in a while.

27.02.06 23:15
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Links here, I read it, very good... I'll email you my rantingness that I want in the next issue.



28.02.06 02:25
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