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I thought i'd give everyone the heads up on the new update for firefox. The browser is supposed to alert you of these things, but on my laptop it didn't, so here goes!

Firefox 1.5

Release Notes

I can't see it in the release notes, but this version is apparently supposed to fix/add an add-on where downloads are merely paused when the internet diconnects and can be resumed once it has reconnected. I don't know it thats true.
03.01.06 20:38
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This has been out for a while hense that I have had it for quite sometime.

Unless this is another 1.5 build? :?


03.01.06 20:47
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Not sure how long its been out, but the browser on my computer alerted me of it today. And no one has announced it here and since this is a firefox-loving environment...
03.01.06 20:55
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Yeah 1.5 has been out for ages and when I told my friend he was like "doesn't firefox alert you of these things?"...meh.

03.01.06 21:42
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I had downloaded it and then forgot to install it. I just did now.:)

03.01.06 21:50
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1.5 blows.
just so you know
03.01.06 21:58
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yeah it isn't great, buggered up aloda extensions I used and chatzilla for 1.5 worse, looks way different and when I close firefox chatzilla closes too, grr.

03.01.06 22:05
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All popular extensions have been updated to support it ages ago. Chatzilla has had 2 builds since then, too. Also, it's a part of Firefox - if you end the task, it closes all extensions aswell.
If you just close the browser(not the process itself), you can still use chatzilla.

I find 1.5 to have improved in stability, but nothing more. Also, they buggered up the preferences menu - you can't use it with most non-default windows shell themes, since it doesn't appear as proper tabs....
03.01.06 22:30
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Actually, it used to stay open when Firefox was closed. But, meh, I hardly use IRC anymore anyway >_<.
03.01.06 22:46
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The beta sucked, but they fixed it in the offical release. Its pretty cool.
04.01.06 05:34
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Quoted :: Emberstrife

All popular extensions have been updated to support it ages ago. Chatzilla has had 2 builds since then, too. Also, it's a part of Firefox - if you end the task, it closes all extensions aswell.
If you just close the browser(not the process itself), you can still use chatzilla.

I find 1.5 to have improved in stability, but nothing more. Also, they buggered up the preferences menu - you can't use it with most non-default windows shell themes, since it doesn't appear as proper tabs....

Chatzilla closes when I close down the browser, which used to not happen.

Oh and everysingle theme I had (20themes iirc) became reduntant, I'm glad the creator of mostly crystal released one for 1.5. Gotta love that theme.

04.01.06 12:31
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My AdBlock crashes now with this new build though. So it's risking if I want to adblock a lot of things at once.
04.01.06 17:02
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yeah, it does that for me too. plus the overlay flash thing had to be removed. Made viewing flash files just not possible.

04.01.06 17:06
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Ya, so like, yah. Im backing up in version as 1.5 is starting to piss me off
it crashes whenever im downloading /any/
...have to go into task manager just to close it
04.01.06 17:22
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

1.5 blows.
just so you know

Yes it does.

06.01.06 16:50
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