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It's been doing this just today. At random times it will pretend to load sites and it will say "Website taking too long to respond" and it even does this with google. I even tested this with internet explorer, the only way to get it working again is either restart the computer or disable and re-enable my connection. It's annoying, and it's getting real old, real fast.

28.12.05 11:34
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Holy shit my computer was doing this too! But it's stopped now, I ran a virus scan.



29.12.05 00:47
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k? What the hell is going on plz!

29.12.05 05:47
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29.12.05 07:43
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Check to see if any of the computers on your network is uploading anything. If you are uploading at the max speed then your browser can't upload data to the servers fast enough so things just time out. This is called choking.

Your hardware could be buggered, so try pinging other machines in your network or ping your modem or something. Generally the response time should be less than 1 second.

29.12.05 12:00
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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my computer did that all the time, before the upgrade. I had thought it was the router, but it cant be because i know you wouldnt be caught dead with a router. Yes, the solution i had used was just to restart the modem whenever these issues would come up.
29.12.05 22:33
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Uhh yeah? Well, I'm not going to restart my modem like every 5 minutes. And when it happens when I'm playing games, it has to stop.

31.12.05 06:42
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Tell you ISP that your modem is buggered and get a new one, if that doesn't help then it narrows the problem down a bit more.

31.12.05 11:40
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