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Poll: Witch Browser
Internet Explorer 3 users
Mozilla Firefox 21 users
Other 1 users
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Not online within the last half an hour one voted IE yet lol..
11.12.05 02:40
Post #16
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im assuming opera is "other".
11.12.05 03:06
Post #17
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Nothing can browse witches like Fire rocks!
11.12.05 11:35
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Ok, who the hell voted for IE?



11.12.05 20:07
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Ok, who the hell voted for IE?

I fortell shame on the IE voter / user :P


11.12.05 20:30
Post #20
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I use IE with Maxthon Tabbed Browser:mrgreen:

23.12.05 04:09
Post #21
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I can understand why some people use IE because they dont even know firefox is out there... but i think everyone here should know by now, that Firefox am teh shiznit!
24.12.05 05:03
Post #22
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Spleet, where did you get those sigs from? They look pretty cool.

Edit: Oops, just found out by right-clicking and then "Show Image" :P


24.12.05 17:18
Post #23
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found a few people with them on Facepunch.. thought it was quite nifty
24.12.05 23:46
Post #24
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That BTP one isn't on the site, did you make it yourself Spleet?


25.12.05 05:33
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25.12.05 09:20
Post #26
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om nom nom nom nom
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Its not that IE is crap. Its just it got a little too popular.

My thought for the day.
27.12.05 13:09
Post #27
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yeh, that btp one was a quick job in paint, i dont have photoshop, or fireworks anymore so i coudnt really put that much work into it
27.12.05 17:32
Post #28
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