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How do i get an avatar?
thanks in advance
11.08.03 11:54 Post #1 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
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First of all let me say: More money!
Ok, lets just clear another thing up. If you think your avatar is the thing at the bottom, it isn't. It's next to your name.
To get an avatar first you have to get a canvas, some paints and a how to paint things by a Mr P. Ainter
JK. First of all draw what you want, be it a single pictures or a set of pictures (otherwise known as an animation). Once that's done make sure it's under 40kb. What can really piss you off is if you look at the size quickly and see it is under 40kb. But try right clicking on it and clicking on properties. I think the actual size you're looking for is size on disk but I'm not sure. If that's under 40k its ok.(Note: It shows size in bytes and not kilobytes) Next come onto BTP, under Rate-a-Sig, click Submit. In the summary text at the top of the page will be a link saying sig hosting. It will lead you to a page where it says browse or upload to a site. Choose the avatar drawn before and do it. The page displayed after is what you need know. Write down or copy the address. Now again go to submit, but this time after the summary is what is needed. Choose sigworm, give it a name, type in address (including http://) and lastly description. Now click Go! Once done go to Edit Profile at the bottom of the menu. Find Avatar URL and paste the address in. Then...JK That's it!
Hope it works.
BTW Under 40kb is tight.
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11.08.03 12:44 Post #2 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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pope is confused.
I think that it's size, not size on disk that counts. Size on disk is a windows thing I believe, doesn't make any difference here, specailly seeing as it's a unix server.
Lol. You don't need to do all the stuff to find the sig uploader. Look, there's a section on the left that says "Sig Uploader' click 'Upload Sig'. It can be hard to find amongst all those other items, but it is there.
To upload a sig, you don't type in an address, that it implies it's already been uploaded somewhere, or a description, you just choose a file using the browse button and click upload.
And... Under 40kb isn't tight, most sig hosts have a max of 20 or 30kb. In-fact your 27k avatar could probably be as small as 3-6k. I don't know how you manage to make them so big, considering there's only aout 6-8 colours there. Same for the mini coind you sent me (one of those many coins for those who hadn't guessed), that was about 20kb, could easily be down to a few houndred bytes.
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11.08.03 13:55 Post #3 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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more money? wadya mean?
i knew what an avatar was, i just didnt know how to get 1!
everyone else has one and i didnt,
seeing as i didnt know how to get 1 i thought i'd ask if that was ok
i uploaded it, and now its in the sig raterer place but i coped the http:// thingy and it didnt come up?
11.08.03 14:03 Post #4 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
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wot do u mean i could make them smaller? please tell me because when eva I have the urge to make a sig it always is too big . Optimizing doesn't work either. All my sigs are made with fireworks and sometimes coffeecup animator.
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15.08.03 08:38 Post #5 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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heh, have you got photoshop? I'll assume you do since you've been to russia. Just open them in that and choose file->save for web.
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15.08.03 09:23 Post #6 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
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cool, thanks. but does png open in photoshop
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15.08.03 09:45 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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lol. yes, photoshop can open lots of filetypes. How do you think I've been optimising your house pictures?
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15.08.03 11:41 Post #8 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
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ok cool. shame though, i have photoshop 7 but it's russian version only. lol. could someone give me instructions in numbers like first menu name, 4 down, click top button on left or somethign like that?
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15.08.03 12:14 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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you don't speak russian then eh? I have photoshop 6 so it may be wrong. It's 8 down here on the file menu, and you probably want to set the option that is "matte" here to "none". Which is on the right, 2nd drop down on the right hand side of the right hand side bit. Top button is okay if you hadn't already worked that out. You should be on the second tab in which is "optimized" to see loading times.
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15.08.03 12:19 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
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i can speak, and understand russian. unfortunetly cant read or write it. thanx
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15.08.03 12:22 Post #11 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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