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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Quoted :: BenServ

Quoted :: Bloopy
Brilliant. :D How long exactly until it can start growing back? We should have a counter on BTP to count down the days.

my releasing form says: 4.8.07

What happens if you lose the form? :P

nothing i guess.. today everything is computerize.

12.11.05 00:49
Post #46
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Quoted :: BenServ

my releasing form says: 4.8.07

4th of August? Or is it an American date, 8th of April? :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
12.11.05 10:51
Post #47
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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: BenServ

my releasing form says: 4.8.07

4th of August? Or is it an American date, 8th of April? :P

4th of August 2007.
12.11.05 11:28
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Or is it an American date, 8th of April? :P

Whats with that anyway? It's a bit dumb putting the month first :P


12.11.05 15:56
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They just want to be annoyingly awkward and different :P.

12.11.05 16:16
Post #50
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To go offtopic, I find it easier to have to put the month first. But it's still pretty confusing to me.

12.11.05 21:54
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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ
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they sent me and my friends to be @ the border for 2 weeks.. here some pictures:

the israelian-palestinian border @ one dark afternoon:
An image!

a palastinian @ the border
An image!

one more:
An image!

20.01.06 08:34
Post #52
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That looks like it could get boring at times.

What do you do to ease the boredom, or do they keep you constantly busy?
20.01.06 09:10
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Welcome back BenServ :D.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.

I was told that you're not allowed to take pictures at the border or somthing, or is that some other country? That looks pretty boring. Has anything exciting happened there?

20.01.06 09:18
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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ
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It's better than guarding @ the watch tower.. it can be boring but you gotta be allert.. more then once we caught them trying to smuggle explosive and weapons.
20.01.06 11:40
Post #55
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That would be extremely not boring if you got to dispose of the explosives/weapons/contraband yourself. You probably have to turn them in to evidence or something, though, eh?
20.01.06 19:48
Post #56
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IIRC, on eastern russian borders guards destroy any drugs/explosives found right on the nearby fields. Shouldn't it be the same for all countries?
20.01.06 19:54
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[]Unvalidated EmailBenServ
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Quoted :: routine_error

That would be extremely not boring if you got to dispose of the explosives/weapons/contraband yourself. You probably have to turn them in to evidence or something, though, eh?
actually if he hide the explosives or weapons oin his clothes a.k suicide bomber it's shoot to kill. if its in the car so we order him to drive the car to a nearby field and RPGing it.. the rpg is fun but my favorite is the 60mm mortar.
21.01.06 04:20
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one of my best friends is active duty in the army (united states). i'm not certain, but i heard he's getting sent to Iraq, and he's artillery/tank or something or other, so his experience should be somewhat similar.
22.01.06 07:03
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