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Damnit Zog. Spoiled the bad joke :(

23.10.05 05:24
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Bad joke? A joke isn't bad until it is judged. Which it couldn't be, because nobody got it...which means it's a bad joke. But it can't be, because it hasn't been judged. Which...well, you get the idea.:P
26.10.05 03:27
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Damnit Zog. Spoiled the bad joke :(

Abd, if almost nobody gets my obscure jokes, how much hope did you really think you had with that one?

BTW, I still don't get it...
26.10.05 23:23
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Orangie Orgy
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you'd had to be in the chat at the time...
26.10.05 23:55
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

you'd had to be in the chat at the time...

I'll post the log of that day if I could find it. But finding it takes effort. I need some bribery for that effort.

27.10.05 05:07
Post #20
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Quoted :: Runt

What a waste of a thread.

I forsee into the future, this will happen many times from DeathBot

If its a waste of thread, how come its got so many replies?
Methinks someone is spamming on an ignorable (soz Deathbot) thread...
30.10.05 12:47
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Pioneer322

you'd had to be in the chat at the time...

I'll post the log of that day if I could find it. But finding it takes effort. I need some bribery for that effort.

I'll slap you around a bit with a large trout if you don't find the log.

That bribery enough for you? :P
30.10.05 17:10
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Yeah. I found it, and I don't know what the hell Pio is talking about. There is no joke. It was all for my own amusement.

30.10.05 17:37
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Liar, you said I know! lets lie about madknifa
30.10.05 17:46
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