
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Where to get the worms 2 soundtrack

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Where can i download the worms 2 soundtrack, i have the CD but it's so old and scratdhed they don't work, I love w2 music, it's nicer than wwp, if i get them i could play wwp and w2 and if i can also find W:A's music, play them all in i-tunes and switch off ambient noise from wwp...

Also if any1 knows where to get the old worms 1 intro sound track, the one with boggy B....for the sake of old times...
14.10.05 00:53
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Did you try a CD Polisher what removes the scratches????
16.10.05 21:20
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i tried cleaning it, but what is this CD polisher...i mean is it really going to make a significat change to a dirty CD that's more than 7 years ago...
17.10.05 20:57
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I would say the disc is proberbly dead by now XD
Good luck in finding the soundtrack to Worms 2, or any worms game, I haven't found them yet and I've been searching for ages...
29.11.05 15:11
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the CD polisher takes a thin layer of the the surface from the CD so the protecting layer is getting smaller. and hopefully the scratches arent too deep then they might have disappeart.
you can try that several times but dont take off too much of the protction form your CD.
29.11.05 23:40
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Worms 2 doesn't have any soundtrack...:lol:
04.12.05 01:07
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Not online within the last half an hour thats the side of the worms2-soundtrack-composer (bjorn lynne). there are some more tracks you wont know.
02.11.06 18:48
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