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Well, as mentioned in the Pirate Contest thread, I have created the Ninja Sigworm Competition.

All entries will be accepted from 25th September till the 5th October.
Voting begins on the 6th and all votes must be in by the 12th.

Same rules apply just like the Pirate Contest. Animations in .GIF and .SWF are accepted.

I will not be entering this contest myself due to only 1 friggin' vote on previous contest. Which shows I can't draw.

Anyways, good luck and don't forget your Ninja actions and sounds while creating worms.

Hi-Ya! *waves hands in un-orderly fashion* :P


25.09.05 04:21
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Lol, well I will be entering this 1 again... Even though I aswell only got 1 vote in the pirate sigworm contest...

But I intend to spend a bit more time on this 1. I hope:?...

Let's get cracking!

An image!
25.09.05 04:47
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Huh I formatted and I lost PhotoShop so... ;)

Anyway GL to the rest :)
25.09.05 10:57
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An image!

:P j/k lol, that's not my entry.

((I can't log in.))
25.09.05 14:32
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Can't log in? Are you sure you don't just want to keep your post count at 777? Kidding...

Well I'll sure be entering, infact I've already started!



26.09.05 07:55
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Hmm well you can see I do not have a entry. That's simply because I relised I suck at drawing and I just didn't have the inspiration to make one.:P

An image!
26.09.05 10:05
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26.09.05 10:44
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I'm lazy, so I submit my avatar for now :p

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
28.09.05 03:05
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Not that I give a shite, infact I'd be happy for you too and I'm sure we will make an exception. But if the rules for this comp are the same as for the pirate comp, you actually aren't allowed to submit it due to it not being made for the competition... But I say skrew it, enter it if you want.



28.09.05 05:03
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Wow, Atomic. I like that, 8)good job:D

I really think thinkk should enter this contest, simply because I love you work & I would love to see what you come up with.:P

An image!
28.09.05 09:05
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Quoted :: Atomic52

But if the rules for this comp are the same as for the pirate comp

Quoted :: Runt

Same rules apply just like the Pirate Contest.

Enough said. Sorry Aku, but those are the rules ;)


28.09.05 13:39
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Hey Megalomaniac
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[Nick Nolte]
Ah hell, why do I hafta go into this goddamn... contest? Aaaaaaah hell, urrrrgh...
[/Nick Nolte]

I might enter, assuming I can get done in time. Once I recover from falling off a rocky slope several times today while on a fossil expedition type thing.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
28.09.05 20:13
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Quoted :: Runt
Enough said. Sorry Aku, but those are the rules ;)
I planned to do an actual entry anyway, I was just being lazy :p

I'm stuck in a house with VERY little to do, so I'll be looking for any and all excuses I can get to do something....hell, I downloaded a collection of NES roms for games that I'd never beaten/played that I REALLY should be ashamed of myself for not having played....these roms are the only things keeping me from going insane being stuck in my house with the 5 family members that get on nerves the most.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
29.09.05 02:51
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Lol, I don't know how but I got your avatar somehow Akuryou, even before I signed up as a member for BTP..8O

An image!
29.09.05 07:37
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not that I expect to win, but here's my entry anyway:

edit: now 100% bush free

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
01.10.05 20:10
Post #15
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