
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Questions about playin online

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Hi guys, I jus have a couple of questions when playing online:

1- Is The UK yorkshire server, the only server avaliable...? Why are there very few people playing? IF worms is really big with clans and stuff, where is EVERYBODY?

2- Whenever i play cbs w2w, or shopa game, i get kickd, now i'm presuming i need a scheme to install, if so where do i get them, there are dozens of schemes, where can i find the every1 uses ?

3- I used to play armageddon, and I can't say there is much of a difference, why is every1 talking about it still

4- i used the program with the flaming bars and followed the instructions on the .txt file but nothing happened @ all -.-

23.09.05 18:23
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Orangie Orgy
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1. Yes, Well, theres usually like, 30 people playing at this time of day (america gets it going around 3-6 PM), and well, if you don't see squat, well, your in the wrong channel?
2. You dont need a scheme, the host sets a scheme and everyone else plays with that.
You get kicked cause 1) Not welcome 2) its a clan match [see Not welcome] 3) Unpatched 4) its called shopper
3. I just realized you were talking about WWP, that may be why. WWP is crap :)
4. Dont bother, you get flamed alot for having it
23.09.05 19:23
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The patch for wwp is REQUIRED for internet play.
You can download shopper schemes from this website and when you have downloaded the file, extract it(if it's zip/rar) or move it to your wwp/user/schemes folder.

And yeah, WWP is crap. WA is shiteloads better. Mainly because it's being patched with new amazing features and the like.

23.09.05 19:52
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Well, I still play WWP, alright for meh.
What is your name on WN?

An image!
24.09.05 08:37
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my name is moath
24.09.05 10:57
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Quoted :: Moath

my name is moath

Yes, we can see that ;)

Anyways, I have one line that will answer all questions on WWP for you.

Go out and buy W:A instead, WWP sucks penix :P


24.09.05 12:41
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Quoted :: Runt

Go out and buy W:A instead, WWP sucks penix :P

Nah, play both. That is the best way
24.09.05 13:55
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I know you can tell my name is Moath, how would he knw I use the same in worms :|
28.09.05 19:29
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: xxxtra1x1x

Well, I still play WWP, alright for meh.
What is your name on WN?

Quoted :: Moath

my name is moath

28.09.05 20:08
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Umm... Pio did you mean to put nothing there??

An image!
30.09.05 05:55
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Quoted :: Moath

I know you can tell my name is Moath, how would he knw I use the same in worms :|
30.09.05 07:40
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