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I think there should be a character limit on AskTheBlamer/AskThePixel question forms. For reasons, please refer to the latest two questions on the Ask The Blamer.
19.09.05 20:38
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Orangie Orgy
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You can thank JamesJLK for doing that for the 20th time...
He did that on ask the pixel but luckily you can delete the questions there.
Look at hte never ending story page too...
19.09.05 21:10
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

He did that on ask the pixel but luckily you can delete the questions there.

And why they can't be deleted in ATB? That is a security hole for cases like this
19.09.05 21:42
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Orangie Orgy
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Its not a security hole its just been abandon'd from fixing up.
But no-one cares
19.09.05 21:43
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Well, at least he's banned (him and his other accounts)

With our luck, he'll become a less sever but still annoying Kyle case...or maybe he'll give up earlier than expected.
20.09.05 13:52
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Actually, I think that people should be prevented from answering their own ATB questions, that would prevent intentional spam to a degree. Then make it possible to delete questions in ATB.
20.09.05 20:52
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Quoted :: Glenn

Actually, I think that people should be prevented from answering their own ATB questions

What are you talking about? It's impossible to answer your own ATB questions
20.09.05 21:07
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Bluies can answer the questions and ask. In a few posts you'll beable to see for yourself. :P

20.09.05 22:15
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: Glenn

Actually, I think that people should be prevented from answering their own ATB questions

What are you talking about? It's impossible to answer your own ATB questions

ATB = Ask the Blamer
ATP = Ask the Pixel

Pay attention to the acronyms.
21.09.05 20:15
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I wish more admins visited this site...all that's come of my suggestion is a little discussion which turned into more suggestions, which all amounts to nothing. Why put a suggestion box in your office if you don't check it?
01.10.05 14:43
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

I wish more admins visited this site...all that's come of my suggestion is a little discussion which turned into more suggestions, which all amounts to nothing. Why put a suggestion box in your office if you don't check it?

[S]ReadMe makes a meaningful gesture in the direction of the percentages in Joe's sig

if you dont get my point then you should think about it a bit more

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.10.05 12:35
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Quite. But that doesn't give either of you an excuse.(admins in general, not just you RM)
03.10.05 00:03
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