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[]The Pope
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Where is the sense of adventure in all of you. Gamble ya money! You might as well because its the best chance of winning lots of money. It's easier than posting stuff or submitting. Dig inta ya pockets people! Buy those tickets!

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10.08.03 10:46
Post #1
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i bought 10 :D
10.08.03 11:50
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[]The Pope
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good on ya! I would gladly pay $400 for a ticket - says Mr Robinson from London

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10.08.03 12:03
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w00t? if i dont win, i sall organise a lotto boycott.
10.08.03 12:59
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[]The Pope
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And i shall organise a Monkey Sanctuary if I win. Or lose.

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10.08.03 13:08
Post #5
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good plan. but its not qorking properly, cuz u cant click "Draw Lotto" because it says you have no tickets, even if you have one, or 10 in my case
10.08.03 13:33
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um, you shouldn't be able to draw the lotto if you're a normal user methinks. I didn't have any part in the coding of this feature, so I wouldn't know how he made it..

btw, herr C.B. Whiz, lotto.php doesn't work when I open it on my computer, the error is "unable to redifine function [whatever the first function is called] (already defined in [blabal]/lotto.php:18) on line 17 in [blabla]/lotto.php."
I think those are the right line numbers, anyway.

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.08.03 13:37
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heh, nice 8)
10.08.03 13:38
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Oh, you can see the draw lotto? No, you shouldnt indeed :D

I'll fix that.


Ah, i only had one equal sign. Stupid assignments always return true in an if statement :/

Sometimes PHP is really annoying.
10.08.03 14:57
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[]The Pope
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Thats betta. So will we have to wait a whole week before the numbers are drawn or since today is sunday, you do it today?

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10.08.03 15:02
Post #10
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also, are u gonna fix the thing that lets you delete words associations and stuff, cuz we can see them but not use them :mrgreen:
10.08.03 15:06
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[]The Pope
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come again?

Only 9,999,999,999 LOTTO Tickets left. BUY BUY BUY!

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.08.03 15:11
Post #12
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ah, the clever little cookie has already fixed it
10.08.03 15:12
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[]The Pope
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now ur tellin' me that admins not only joke but are cookies? Hold up! What next? Are you going to tell me they live in houses with gardens?

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.08.03 15:13
Post #14
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no, that would just be silly
10.08.03 15:15
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