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Hi, guys!
i don't know if here's an answer for my following question, but english is not my native and i can't read everything here...
I've spent a few hours with dictionary, trying to create this message...
i want to ask you one question:
is it possible to play WA under windows XP?
1. i have WA installed
2. windows XP + serivce pack 2
3. update beta installed
i can connect to WA and i see channels and hosts, but when i am trying to join a host - WA crashes
the same goes when i am trying to play hot seat mode.
i heard it is possible to play under win XP, but how? what i need to do?
thank you for your time.

russian wwp+wa site
19.09.05 16:16
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[HtTp://WoRmS.oRg.Ua] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Try unistalling, reinstaling and applying the patch.

At least, that worked in my case
19.09.05 21:44
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Orangie Orgy
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I thought you could play W:a under xp since the Beta 2

Right click the worms shortcut icon (or main one, dont think it matters) and click properties
Go to the compatability tab and there will be a menu of Operating systems to choose. Choose windows 98.

19.09.05 21:47
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compability change has no affect =(
trying to reinstall

Maybe you'll help me to find Beta 2 patch?

russian wwp+wa site
20.09.05 16:57
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[HtTp://WoRmS.oRg.Ua] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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You havn't installed the patch?

well, it's here:

Install the update aswell as that.

20.09.05 19:41
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i believe what harry says is correct. you have to apply one update before another, or something like that. i know i've had problems getting it to work a few times before, and all times eventually having success, but sorry, i don't remember precisely how i accomplished this feat. all i can say is that with a little effort, it can be done. it's not that hard. good luck.
22.09.05 06:54
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i started my experiments... i hope i will be successfull... and i'll share with you how i did...

russian wwp+wa site
22.09.05 15:35
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Last edited: 22.09.05 15:36 (Mr.Bad - 1 times) [HtTp://WoRmS.oRg.Ua] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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first i installed patch
and then update

russian wwp+wa site
22.09.05 21:38
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Last edited: 22.09.05 21:39 (Mr.Bad - 1 times) [HtTp://WoRmS.oRg.Ua] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]

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