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Have you ever been looking for filters for Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro? Well I had an idea that we could compile all our best filters together to make one huge filter pack. I'll upload mine once I hear some other people's opinions.
18.09.05 00:50
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Yeah, top idea... Shame I don't have any filters though:(.

An image!
18.09.05 01:13
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How do you create filters in PhotoShop? I didn't know it was possible...:? Can you do it within PS itself or does it require some kind of programming?
18.09.05 21:54
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

How do you create filters in PhotoShop?

Same here.

I knew you can use the PS built filters, but I never knew that you can create your own
19.09.05 21:56
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Maybe you mean brushes, C1, they're much easier to make than filters.

Learn to look, look to learn.
19.09.05 22:00
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he just means the filters you have, it's easy to download additional filters and post PS ones work in PSP.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
22.09.05 09:36
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Quoted :: ReadMe

he just means the filters you have, it's easy to download additional filters and post PS ones work in PSP.

That's what I mean. I mean ones that you have found on the web. I don't believe you can create a filter without some special program.
24.09.05 04:12
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