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why the hell is this locked?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
21.10.06 23:41
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To stop people spamming it more than has been done so already...check the dates.
22.10.06 00:59
Post #17
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[]The Pope
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I wouldn't say his comment was spam and by replying to it, you only encourage it but if he's guilty of anything, it's necroposting. Then again users are to be restricted to recent active topics only, there's little point in having a Search function or keeping anything older than a month. But threads are kept beyond a month and we do have a search function.

And it's no way to go about getting more active members, Toasty3D might think this forum is too harsh now and never come back :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
22.10.06 09:30
Post #18
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Thank you for that Pope, I now feel like a right prat.:| I never mean to be the bad guy, it just...comes out that way somehow.:(

22.10.06 09:38
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