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Hi there, the other day i was playing shoppa and had a big conffusion...., i was the last player and had 1 worm in 1 high place, and there was a mountain to my right, at the other side of that mountain (big mountain) was a big pile of worm, i was in last and had 1 worm with like 20hp, then a player used 3 cows, 2 in the pile and then "jumped"(with rope) the mountain to use the last cow with my last worm xD, i just want to know if thats a cow or not..., its like someone with shotgun hits a pile then use last shot in a last player that was alone =(.
Im just asking because i dont have too much time playing, and when i asked in server people said different things :/
10.08.03 08:10
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its allowed. aslong as you hit two different worms from di8fferent teams then it can neva count as a cow. ABL counts as the last player at the start of his/her turn. So if you used shotgun on one worm which wasnt last then he turned last you could still attack him. Well thats what I think anyway.

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10.08.03 08:16
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ya the teams stay the same for 1 turn. Ya and its called a pile if u hit more then one worm. Put that in the A-Z pope
11.08.03 16:48
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i think thats pretty unfair, the shotgun thing.

i believe its called bending the rules
11.08.03 18:11
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It's called good strategy I think :)


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
11.08.03 23:37
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yeah good stategies are usually when the rules are bent
12.08.03 08:21
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Quoted :: C1

ya the teams stay the same for 1 turn. Ya and its called a pile if u hit more then one worm. Put that in the A-Z pope

lol A-Z can be added to by anyone...

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12.08.03 09:56
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its just that the pope was the only person who could be bothered adding
12.08.03 10:14
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lol heh i added. I'm just too lazy to do those things. Also I've learned i shouldnt go into any proffession that involves teaching seeing as i cant explain things well. PS Meiapaul i hosted 3 times and i seen u in the lobby everytime and u didnt come to my game and by then the game was full so i had to play
12.08.03 16:05
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thats not a cow, it counts as a pile attack, since the cows were in sucsession, and the damage was done to multiple targets
14.08.03 00:27
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New Rule to shopper: Using cow on a pile with the team in last place will be a cow

14.08.03 02:30
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dunno about that, means ppl not in last can get in a pile with the person in last and not have to worry.

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14.08.03 13:08
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no its just jackassery if u go in a pile when ur last.
14.08.03 23:47
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Quoted :: C1

no its just jackassery if u go in a pile when ur last.

I was the top Jackass in my city last year!

15.08.03 02:04
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top jackass? rofl...what kinda stuff do you do to yourself and/or your mom

...wait I really don't want to know :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
15.08.03 03:07
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