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Poll: what do you think is the best new eapon i n the new game worms mayhem??
the starburst weapon 1 users
fatkins strike 5 users
sniper rifle 3 users
bovine blitz 0 users
the ability to create your own 4 users
Abstain 6 votes
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[G]hphen 4
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the sooner it gets to america and to the pc,

you could very well be at the top of a board in seconds

(im thinking that Glenn and arcbeetle are quick hard and can win in eeconds)

13.09.05 20:05
Post #46
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Still got me and Akuryou13 to play yet.

Me and Aku have had a few online games against each other and it has been very close matches.
But still, a very fun game. Online and Offline


14.09.05 05:05
Post #47
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

Yeah, Unfortunetly I have Worms 4 on the Play Station(My brother bought it), So I occasionaly play it, Not Online though.:(

An image!
14.09.05 05:49
Post #48
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[G]hphen 4
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infornation sync up....

ive noticed a glitch on a mission where a professor turns against you and you must get to him,

i ended up killing him and failed the mission

so if you see the glitch, let me know so i can decipher the problem
20.01.06 12:26
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Thanks for that lovely spoiler.

20.01.06 16:59
Post #50
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Aww for petes sake Hphen, ruin the ending for us, thanx alot.


22.01.06 22:36
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Quoted :: RunT

Aww for petes sake Hphen, ruin the ending for us, thanx alot.

Thanks for the warning guys, I won't read his post :D

23.01.06 02:39
Post #52
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I liked W3D for the most part, but gave up on it quickly because worms is all about the multiplayer, and the online play hardly worked - games died all the time. On top of that the camera was a bit crap when you went behind terrain and it got stuck, and they took out waaay too much of the customisation like themes, custom flags, graves, soundbanks etc. And they never made the promised terrain editor!

I never bought W4. What I want to know is, would I like it? Does it have a proper terrain editor? Can you change more of the settings like weapon features etc (in the style of WA)? Does the online play work, and are there plenty of people playing it?
24.01.06 11:56
Post #53
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Well, you can create your own Worms, [hats, gloves, glasses, etc.] Weapons and Game Modes.

The single player is just as fun as multiplayer is. Need more info, go here.
Worms 4 Home


24.01.06 12:39
Post #54
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Bah, still no terrain editor. I preordered W3D with the belief that T17 would hold to the promise that they would put up a terrain editor for download shortly after the release. They lied, and I won't buy any worms game again (at least not for over £5) until it comes with a terrain editor.
24.01.06 13:08
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Sugar Muffin
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There is no public terrain editor for worms 4 and there likely never will be. Team17 doesn't want to release the one they used because it is supposely too complicated for people to understand.

If anyone wants to play worms 4 with me, give me a ring on msn. ( I'm getting pretty good at it and could probably teach you a few tricks if you wanted.

EDIT: Oh yeah, hphen didn't ruin anything... the story in worms 4 really sucks :P

[:: Etho ::]
26.01.06 23:00
Post #56
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Quoted :: EthoCryptiC

the story in worms 4 really sucks :P

Now c'mon, I wouldn't say that. I thought the story line was quite good for a worms game.
better than WF:US anyway

It's just a shame though that he runined the ending for those of us who haven't completed single player yet. [like myself]


27.01.06 03:20
Post #57
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Quoted :: EthoCryptiC
There is no public terrain editor for worms 4 and there likely never will be. Team17 doesn't want to release the one they used because it is supposely too complicated for people to understand.

Yeah but that's a pathetic excuse. They could just release it and announce that they're not supporting it in any way. It might be too hard for many people to use but at least some people would work it out. Do they think that all the mappers in T17 are smarter than everyone in the worms community? A complicated terrain editor is better than none at all.
27.01.06 08:34
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I think that saying it's too hard is an excuse to not legally allow the map file type to be decoded by people.
27.01.06 17:36
Post #59
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Yeah it would be better than nothing at all, but I am sure there are more issues involved than it just being complicating.

Like for example, how will custom made maps work in online games? There probably isn't much or any support for it at the moment. They would probably have to create a new patch so that the map files could be shared.

The program they used might not work on the average joe's computer. It might need some tweaking and debugging before it would actually even work.

Even if they say they won't support it after they release it, the T17 forums will still be filled with questions on how to use it and T17 flame topics for not making it more user friendly.

I am quite happy with the maps in worms 4. I just wish the random generator was actually more "random" so that there would be greater variety.

[:: Etho ::]
27.01.06 22:56
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