
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Womrs 1 and Reinforcements

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Hi everyone!

As you might want to play the old Worms 1 and Reinforcements, or the Worms United (W1 and Reinfrcements packed together), you might noticed that i won't run under Win2k (maybe under XP too).

So i found an emulatar witch emulates DOS.

Its called DOS-Box.

All you have to do after installing it, is just mount you HDD (or a HDD Path) and a CDROM Divice (it dont have to be a real one, its just that its mounted as a CDROM).

With a few Dos Commands are you able to install and Play W1.

The good Thing about DOS-Box is that it supports your Mouse and the Soundcard aswell (at mine PC it was so).

Another nice thing is the Fact that DOS-Box is a real DOS-Emulator and so it supports many of the old Games witch was made for DOS (the Settlers for example).

So i hope my Post wasn't too Off Topic and a bit helpfull...
16.08.05 18:26
Post #1
Last edited: 16.08.05 19:42 (MC - 2 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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I can finally play my old games without having to install Win98 now! :)
[S]Pioneer322 thinks he should sticky it
16.08.05 18:34
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Last edited: 16.08.05 18:34 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thanks for the advice MC. I think I'll try it now. Not for Worms United of course, since my computer is so crappy it can play it fine.
20.08.05 05:17
Post #3
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