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I need that jackhammer... and that drill... and that saw...

08.08.03 08:23
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............shite music
08.08.03 09:33
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You didn't like it ???

08.08.03 20:47
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umm no, its the crappest song ever, and there are many better videos on the internet
09.08.03 16:35
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[]The Pope
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rubbish song. I could probably knock something off Dance Ejay 4 betta than that. All i would need is a few bass bars and a text-to-speech program to replicate something like it. Even the Cheeky Girls are betta than that. OMG! What have I said!

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.08.03 08:12
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[]Quasi Qubit
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he he he
type "French military victories" into google, and click "I'm feeling lucky"

You know if you say "gulible" out loud reeeally slowly it sounds like the word elf?
11.08.03 00:23
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[]The Pope
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lol, defeats. I got another one. Type weapons of mass destruction into google and click I'm feeling lucky. Look at the page thoroughly.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.08.03 06:20
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lmao, that is genious
11.08.03 09:21
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[]The Pope
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the links on that page are quite funny too.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.08.03 12:16
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