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I found this over at the official GunZ forums. Enjoy!

An image!
*Makes it an image so you'll actually view it :P*
14.07.05 20:25
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I'm surprised there isn't a "miss" after the whole thing. :P

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
15.07.05 14:02
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Hehe, thats a bit of fun to watch :mrgreen:
15.07.05 14:20
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2 Fs for describe it:
Funny and Fast :P
15.07.05 14:24
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Heh, that one is just as cool as the 'Pull To Open' one.
You guys remember that one? This is a bit more insane though


15.07.05 14:29
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Everyone remembers the pull to open one. Unfortunately, I can't find that one on my HD anymore :/.

I do have stickman golf though...
15.07.05 15:53
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refuses to load for me :s

anyone fancy rehosting it onto BTP?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.07.05 19:52
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I'll upload it elsewhere and relink it up above. I can't upload it to BTP, it's WAY too big.
15.07.05 20:15
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Quoted :: Glenn

I'll upload it elsewhere and relink it up above. I can't upload it to BTP, it's WAY too big.

File hosting anyone :P
15.07.05 20:30
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It's already hosted on contra, that's why it doesn't work :P

Transloader wins.
15.07.05 20:33
Post #10
Last edited: 15.07.05 20:35 (XxSpIDerxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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'[]RunT fails at the internet'

I thought that was the 'Pull To Open' .GIF Spider.
How stupifd I am (no-one answer that :lol:)

Edit: I already added the ':lol:' smiliy so no-one else does.


16.07.05 03:00
Post #11
Last edited: 16.07.05 03:01 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

It's already hosted on contra, that's why it doesn't work :P

Transloader wins.

No, I actually moved it to Contra when ReadMe posted. It *was* hosted somewhere else, and I can't be bothered to find it again.
16.07.05 04:45
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14.08.05 22:15
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