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Poll: Who do you think would win in a Roper?
ZoGgEr! 7 users
Glenn 4 users
Abstain 0 votes
(11 votes have been cast so far)Poll Closed

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Do not vote abstain, do not collect $200, post when you vote, so we know that no one is cheating. When you post, you don't have to say who you voted for, but for fun, say who you voted for and why. IE: I voted for SPAZ over Knifa, because SPAZ is my ex-husband and he's good in bed. Knifa on the other hand can't rope shit, so he'll lose.

Round One

-[[]kikumbob] 22 Health
VS | Game Ended
- []ArcBeetle 0 Health

- [S]ReadMe 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [[S]Zogger!] 22 Health

- []TheAbdBoy 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [[B]C1] 21 Health

-[]Khuzad 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [split] 13 Health

- [[S]Bloopy] 22 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [S]Pioneer322 0 Health

- [[]Glenn] 22 Health
VS | Game Ended
- []Psymon 0 Health

- []EvilWeevil 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [[]Kyle] 14 Health

- [[]Atomic52] 18 Health
VS | Game Ended
- []RunT 0 Health

Quarter Final

- []kikumbob 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [[S]Zogger!] 39 Health

- [[B]C1] 22 Health
VS | Game Ended
- spilt 0 Health

- [S]Bloopy 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [[]Glenn] 23 Health

- []Kyle 0 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [[]Atomic52] 89 Health


- [[S]Zogger!] 23 Health
VS | Game Ended
- [B]C1 0 Health

- [[]Glenn] 19 Health
VS | Game Ended
- []Atomic52 0 Health

Consalation Final

- [B]C1
- []Atomic52


- [S]Zogger!
- []Glenn


This is going to be tough. So I'm going to how my first CYOA ended and according to my CYOA, the first one to get knocked out by C-P1x3l was Glenn. Therefore I vote Zee, oh, gee, gee, Ei, Arr to the Exclamation mark!

09.07.05 06:26
Post #1
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As much as I would like to vote for Glenn, I really feel I should vote for ZoGgEr!
09.07.05 11:07
Post #2
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I vote zogger for a inexplicable reason XDD
09.07.05 11:11
Post #3
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Zog's handled a few ropes in his day 8)


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
09.07.05 13:31
Post #4
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09.07.05 14:05
Post #5
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I vote Glenn, why? Cause I'm different than you lot and voting for someone else :P


09.07.05 16:17
Post #6
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Glenn, because he's the underdog.
09.07.05 17:34
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I vote Glenn because Sam Fisher will go to ZoGgEr!'s house and fart on him while they are playinmg.

09.07.05 19:54
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I vote zog because zog will add the sig to his random rotation. I don't think glenn will :p

(don't mind me while I try to predict other people's actions...)

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.07.05 20:22
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I vote for myself, because I am me.
10.07.05 01:22
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Oh yeah, I also voted Zog because it's easier to put his name on the sig :)

This post is for Pio, because he never posts.

10.07.05 05:35
Post #11
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Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

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