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At least i have chicken!
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I am going to start playing WA again so anyone who wants to challenge me to a shopper to "get my arm back in" can do so i hope to do the worm-olympics again whenever they are about! But more than that i want to pwn as may BTPers as possible :mrgreen:


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

03.07.05 10:25
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I really didn't think this needed a new thread....

You could have posted this in the same thread as your 'I'm Back!' thread.


04.07.05 03:09
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Meh, there's worse things in life. Such as sending a mass PM in the new system.

I'd play you, but I can't until Tuesday....
04.07.05 04:37
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At least i have chicken!
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Ok what time tuesday it's gotta be late because i'm busy during the day. And i have to warn you befroe we play I am a little rusty! :)


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

04.07.05 09:55
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Um, I live in the US. Being late isn't an issue, when I wake up it's afternoon in the UK ALREADY.

So, whenever. I'll try to be on MSN as much as possible tomorrow.
04.07.05 14:27
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At least i have chicken!
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Yea ok anybody else feel free to add me on MSN but tell me who you are because if you dont i will just block and delete you!

By the way how do i go about joining the BTP WA caln?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

04.07.05 15:37
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Quoted :: clarkey252

Yea ok anybody else feel free to add me on MSN but tell me who you are because if you dont i will just block and delete you!

By the way how do i go about joining the BTP WA caln?

ok ill add u my msn is

see u there ;)

PD: For join BTP clan try here:
04.07.05 15:40
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Nice way to get spam in your email. ;)
04.07.05 18:22
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Quoted :: C1

Nice way to get spam in your email. ;)

for that reason i wrote it with 2 "@" ;)

Quoted :: The Email
04.07.05 20:48
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You also edited you post to add the extra @ ;)

Last edited: 04.07.05 14:38 (ArcBeetle - 1 times)
05.07.05 03:44
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Orangie Orgy
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I posted my email and havent gotten 1 single piece of spam yet..
Hell my hotmail account hasnt had 1 thing of spam .. ever! :|
05.07.05 03:46
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Not sure how that's even possible. You must be really luck and also never submit your email to any sites either.
05.07.05 03:51
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Quoted :: C1

Not sure how that's even possible. You must be [b]really luck[/b] and also never submit your email to any sites either.

and very lucky because hotmail accounts are the most spammed (i think)

You also edited you post to add the extra @ ;)

Last edited: 04.07.05 14:38 (ArcBeetle - 1 times)

because u said that my email will get spammed so i added it after ;)
05.07.05 12:33
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At least i have chicken!
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MY hotmail and yahoo both get spammed silly i get 30 a day form yahoo and about half that from hotmail!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

05.07.05 20:11
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Orangie Orgy
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Odd... must be because it dont accept sponsor offers when registering for something...

edit: yahoo/msn Groups are usually hunted by spam bots, as my yahoo account has been infected with spam (as i've like, registered to 5 groups thar)
06.07.05 00:16
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