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I think the cost per day using torso color is 2 much, £20 per day, don't u think so? And changing torso, £200 lol.

First days in BTP i was confused abt losing money all the time, then i knew Torso steals that :lol:.

So the question is, is it possible to change Torsos "price"?

Where's the true knowledge, where engines of the sane and insanity merge. The clarity, the unity.
18.06.05 10:44
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The custom torso price is just right now - it is *not* supposed to be accessible to people right after joining, you need to be active on the forums long enough to be able to afford one...
18.06.05 10:58
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Orangie Orgy
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It does cost to much, $22 a day (italic include) really drains the cash flow
Perhaps another deal could be used... a higher setup price, but say... $20 a Week
18.06.05 16:53
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I agree. I don't use it, but the price does seem a bit high per day.
18.06.05 18:54
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The price is fine.

Like we always say. It's meant to be something special...

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18.06.05 19:19
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

It does cost to much, $22 a day (italic include) really drains the cash flow
Perhaps another deal could be used... a higher setup price, but say... $20 a Week

Look through BlameTheSuggestions and you'll see I suggested the exact same thing :P


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18.06.05 21:10
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