
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheHelp » I cant get on WN.

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y0, i cant start worms on WN.
m8's told me it's probably my firewall but when i close that and try then it still doesn't work, on a tech support site it says to click, enable firewall and enter the proxy address and proxy port number in the configuration bit.I'd do this if only i knew what the hell a proxy is and where i can find mine out.
24.05.05 06:26
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Orangie Orgy
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1.Did you manage to Fuck anyhting up in the network settings?
2.Did you ever go on Wormnet before?

if you answered yes to 1., click da default button somewhere in that part of the network settings menu... it should reset it all back to its normal self.
Or wormnet could be down, which is highly unlikly
24.05.05 07:21
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Got the patch? What sort of firewall are you using? Zone Alarm.. Norton.. etc.
13.10.05 05:53
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