
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms:Armageddon Discussion » Infinite Time?

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I was playing in a game earlier, and we had infinite time for our turns. Can someone tell me how to do this? I can't find out how. :|
20.05.05 08:13
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Yep, it's just a scheme setting which isn't part of the in-built editor.

You can download a scheme editor from the programs section, or you might be able to set infinite time on the BTP scheme editor
(try setting turn tume to 255, I'm not sure tho cause I've never tried.)

You know I'm a dancing machine
20.05.05 12:17
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Last edited: 20.05.05 12:17 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It is in the in-build scheme editor. Just click on the turn time Icon untill it goes onto the Infinate icon.

Pio's edit: And you need to have the latest patch to set it yourself..

20.05.05 16:39
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Last edited: 20.05.05 16:45 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Okay, thanks guys. I'm still using :oops:
20.05.05 17:49
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U need to get v3.6.25.1a, it fixes LOADS of new bugs, and implements LOADS of new features!
21.05.05 07:22
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Quoted :: Muzer

U need to get v3.6.25.1a, it fixes LOADS of new bugs, and implements LOADS of new features!

Yeah, I got it, just hadn't updated Worms in forever. :D
22.05.05 06:38
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lol another advantage of WA over WWP :(...

however, i think u can set infinite time in WWP with scheme editor
25.05.05 19:01
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