
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Unknown error..

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whenever i try to join a host, i get this error:
An image!
what is causing this?
16.05.05 00:59
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Go to Worms World Party\Data, and delete the current.thm file. If what I think happened, happened, the last map you loaded was corrupted somehow, either because it was incorrectly sized or it wasn't loaded all the way, or you deleted the map from your computer (if the last map you loaded was local). Since it has to load the map preview on your computer before it downloads the map from the host, WWP throws a fit when you try to join a game, since the current map pointer is bad.
16.05.05 01:58
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erm I tihnk this problem was the cd explosion, wasn't it?
16.05.05 21:52
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No, this happened before the CD explosion, otherwise, how could he even start up WWP?
16.05.05 23:27
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he posted the CD at 15.05.05 23:49
and this thread at 15.05.05 20:59

So, that error, is saying "Your cd is gonna freakin' blow. You can't play" :P
17.05.05 01:26
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