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Sugar Muffin
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Ok I know it's likely no one will be able to help me, but I'm going to try anyways. I use to play Korean Worms (Worms Online). I downloaded worms world party aqua yesterday and it gives me an error when I start it. Does anyone know what I need to do to get it working on my computer? Even knowing which language the game is would help.

[:: Etho ::]
28.04.05 17:51
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What's the error?
28.04.05 22:53
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Sugar Muffin
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It's a foreign game so the error is in a foreign language. The foreign language is not viewable on my computer so it appears as random characters. So... I can't read the error.

[:: Etho ::]
28.04.05 23:08
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What Windows are you running?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
29.04.05 04:01
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Sugar Muffin
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XP home

Edit: I changed my system settings to display korean characters. This is the error I am getting...

안자가 을바르지 없습니다.

Can anyone translate it?

[:: Etho ::]
29.04.05 04:12
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Very funny :roll:. They aren't Korean characters... you don't support them. They're the rollback character when the correct one can't be found. Thanks for the question marks, I suppose.
29.04.05 15:02
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sargetron = fail.

YOU dont have support for them so you cant read what he pasted in.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.04.05 15:05
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Oh, damn. I didn't quote the message to see =/. Thought he'd just typed in the ?s.
29.04.05 15:13
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Sugar Muffin
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For those of you that want to check it out, I found an interesting worms video at

Might take a while to load.

[:: Etho ::]
29.04.05 16:15
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This may be a dumb question but, are you doing this to get on the Asain wn?

30.04.05 02:32
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Dunno if you've tried AltaVista yet, but according to it,

"안자가 을바르지 없습니다" translates to "Hold it does not paste".
30.04.05 03:04
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Sugar Muffin
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wwpa and korean worms are versions of online worms. Yes I am trying to get on them because I find them rather entertaining. I played korean worms in the past. The game styles, players, and game systems are very different. Most players are very poor ropers, thus are easy to impress. There are also a few extremely good ropers who are fun to play with, some who can speak a decent amount of english as well. I like change, which is why I like playing similiar, but different games.

I can't get korean worms or wwpa to work though. Sadly, that translation doesn't mean much to me either :? but thanks.

[:: Etho ::]
30.04.05 05:31
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