
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms:Armageddon Discussion » heeelp

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hi everybody....i'm new...somebody can explain me the rules for to play WA on the net???

28.04.05 10:43
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Orangie Orgy
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THere are no rules apparently.
Rules your talking about are for 'gametypes' like shopper (people call it 'shoppa' but thats just the gay name for it and should have never existed) or roper, BnG, etc.
You should look up the info about these gametypes and all about the 'rope' on a good search engineing since I don't know any sites at mind :)
28.04.05 18:08
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You fail Pio :P. I'm surprised you completely forgot this site:
28.04.05 21:44
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

THere are no rules apparently.
Rules your talking about are for 'gametypes' like shopper (people call it 'shoppa' but thats just the gay name for it and should have never existed) or roper, BnG, etc.
You should look up the info about these gametypes and all about the 'rope' on a good search engineing since I don't know any sites at mind :)

BTP & Contra Clan also have the info.
28.04.05 22:51
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Orangie Orgy
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I dont go there, didnt noes
28.04.05 23:02
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